Saturday 3 December 2011

Get yourself a real life!

I havent update this blog since ages -.- well, i've got nothing to say actually. Bukannya ada follower nak baca. It just me talking sorang sorang kat sini. Since holiday started, we all go to KL to send my brother T.T which is quite a sad event especially for me and Aiman. Then we all go to Penang - every year event! Enough chit chat.

Let me tell you about a group of people who got no self confident in their self. Actually, it is not about self confidence but it is about 'pendirian'. Look! If you was someone yang wear tudung a few years ago and suddenly tak pakai tudung. Isn't just weird? Come on laa! Dulu, masa kau pakai tudung sibuk je suruh aku pakai tudung sekarang macam terbalik kan. Kau pulak yang tak pakai. Aku geram je nak tegur kau tapi entah la. You now not a friend anymore I guess :/ Tahu la kan kawan kawan kau semua tak pakai tudung. Hot la tuu :p hik hik. Fortunately, kawan kawan baik aku pakai tudung. I just feel like there's something wrong kalau aku sorang tak pakai tudung kan? :) So, here me. Pakai tudung sekarang tambahan pulak disuruh oleh ayah :/ hehe.

oh yes. Sekali post panjang berlebar -.-

p/s : This post dedicate to Ainul. Baca okey? :p