Happy New Year! May 2012 full with bless, awesomeness and amazing throughout the year. And I have a few list to accomplish this year. So that I'll be a better person :)
2011 - A year full of memories. Whether it is a happy memory or a sad one, it is something that we can never forget in our life. One of The Happiest memory is when I'm receiving my result. When ustazah announce my name, and i'm one of the students who is getting a straight A's, there is nothing I can say except Alhamdulillah. Never ever think you can't get what you wish for. As a saying goes where there is a will, there is a way. Then it means there is a way you can achieve what you are wishing for.
To my friends, which did not achieve it, Don't ever give up. You did a great job. You prove to those who are not confident that you can achieve an amazing result. Trust me, you still have these 2 years to achieve a flying colour result in SPM. And, tak dapat straight A's PMR, doesn't mean tak dapat jugak nanti SPM kan? So, this time, kita study sama sama oke?
For me, 2012 is not a honeymoon year, so bring all the toughness :D
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
I miss my deskmates. I miss my classmates. I miss my schoolmates. I miss Fitri. I miss Shafiq. I miss Asyraf. I miss Fikri, I miss Nazrin. I miss Aiman. I miss Adan. I miss Faris? haha. I just miss them. I dont have any other boy-friends, who really close to me. They like my bestfriends. I really do miss when Ainul and I was like teasing them. Especially, Fitri and shafiq. Everyday, there must be something we will do to them or vice versa. I really miss when Nazrin asks the whole boys not to entertain me and Ainul -.- And we like damn stress. I mean, I feel like I have no friends -.- There are so many memories. Sad. happy. Annoy. Everything. I just... miss you guys :( How I wish we can just turn back all the times and face that again :') Everyday, I will call their's name for no reasons. Just to say Hi. And we laugh. Just to smile. And laugh again. Just to watch. And laugh. Always laugh. I miss you guys.........
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Pictures tell something that word cant.
Can someone take my picture like this? :)
Yes Ainul. Go for this :)
" Every girl is beautiful "
Who doesn't want this?
p/s : Im taking all this picture from Shahirah's Tumblr :)
I've heard this song and its lyric just suit well..
" I'm not looking for someone to talk to
I've got my friends, I'm more than okey
I've got more than a girl could wish for "
And this too..
" Love's for a lifetime not for a moment
So how could I throw it away
Yeah I'm only human
And nights grow older
With no-one to love me that way
Yeah I need someone who really sees me "
Friday, 9 December 2011
The way it is.
I think Im just happy the way it is now. I mean, a life without no one to text all day long and to call everyday is goooood. Real good. I feel satisfy. Haha. I mean, I dont even have to get worry about my bill's phone ^^ Actually, I dont even know where is my phone now -.- For the first time, I accidentally left it at Rumah Mami. Luckily, masa tu keluar nak pergi makan dengan diorang. Fuhh! And, I feel free too. Texting when needed. This is just true - " Use the phone wisely " :) Hahaha :D
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
I miss them.
I miss them. Yeahh. Tiba tiba je rasa cam ni. Somehow, I feel like I need them :( Suddenly, I feel like Im losing them. Gosh! Maybe because masa cuti semua orang busy kot. I mean, aku pun tak boleh nak keluar jumpa diorang. Takde orang nak hantar -.- I miss the moment makan kat kantin hari hari. Mengadap muka sorang sorang kat kantin je la. Kat kelas busy dengan kerja masing masing. We've been friends like almost 3 years. Not just friends, we're bestfriends ;) I miss Alia. Maybe because the most person aku text dia then dia pergi Dubai so no one text me T.T and I miss Nurin too. She've been nowhere since last day sekolah lagi. I dont even know where she is. Kawan la macam tu, tak pernah text kawan pun :') And I miss Teng and Ainul too. Luckily kitorang skype semalam :D I just miss all of us..........
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Yup. I do have one now :') Nothing cant tell you how happy I am. Even though that camera is with my brother because we actually bought it to him for her architecture project :p But hell yeah, the one who will 'play' with it is us. hahaha. And to use must wait nanti dia balik T.T The best part in the world. Oh yes. the camera is canon 550D. heeeee :D
Get yourself a real life!
I havent update this blog since ages -.- well, i've got nothing to say actually. Bukannya ada follower nak baca. It just me talking sorang sorang kat sini. Since holiday started, we all go to KL to send my brother T.T which is quite a sad event especially for me and Aiman. Then we all go to Penang - every year event! Enough chit chat.
Let me tell you about a group of people who got no self confident in their self. Actually, it is not about self confidence but it is about 'pendirian'. Look! If you was someone yang wear tudung a few years ago and suddenly tak pakai tudung. Isn't just weird? Come on laa! Dulu, masa kau pakai tudung sibuk je suruh aku pakai tudung sekarang macam terbalik kan. Kau pulak yang tak pakai. Aku geram je nak tegur kau tapi entah la. You now not a friend anymore I guess :/ Tahu la kan kawan kawan kau semua tak pakai tudung. Hot la tuu :p hik hik. Fortunately, kawan kawan baik aku pakai tudung. I just feel like there's something wrong kalau aku sorang tak pakai tudung kan? :) So, here me. Pakai tudung sekarang tambahan pulak disuruh oleh ayah :/ hehe.
oh yes.Sekali post panjang berlebar -.-
p/s : This post dedicate to Ainul. Baca okey? :p
Let me tell you about a group of people who got no self confident in their self. Actually, it is not about self confidence but it is about 'pendirian'. Look! If you was someone yang wear tudung a few years ago and suddenly tak pakai tudung. Isn't just weird? Come on laa! Dulu, masa kau pakai tudung sibuk je suruh aku pakai tudung sekarang macam terbalik kan. Kau pulak yang tak pakai. Aku geram je nak tegur kau tapi entah la. You now not a friend anymore I guess :/ Tahu la kan kawan kawan kau semua tak pakai tudung. Hot la tuu :p hik hik. Fortunately, kawan kawan baik aku pakai tudung. I just feel like there's something wrong kalau aku sorang tak pakai tudung kan? :) So, here me. Pakai tudung sekarang tambahan pulak disuruh oleh ayah :/ hehe.
oh yes.
p/s : This post dedicate to Ainul. Baca okey? :p
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Next year should be.
Late at night, I'm just wondering what will it be without all my best friends with me in a school? I mean, next year maybe all of them will have different option. And all of us will not be in the same class anymore. But what if they transfer to a better school such as mara or sbp? Alia asked for it. So does Nurin and Aten. And Ainul is choosing account which i am not interested to. And of course we will not be in the same class. At least, if Alia staying, we might be in the same class. But she does not like bio, which i like because i wanna be a doctor. This is scaring actually. I just keep thinking what am i supposed to do. I cant be myself when I'm not with them. And to whom should I talk with when I'm in trouble :( I'll start crying if I'm thinking about this. Mom was right. I am a girl full of emotions ("_")
Babe, I hope no matter what happen, no matter where are you staying, each of us will love each other like today :) you guys are the bestfriends forever to me.
And nothing going to change the bond that we have now :)
Lots of love - Eyacantik ;)
Aten gorgeous - Ainul comel - Nurin cute - Alia hot
And nothing going to change the bond that we have now :)
Lots of love - Eya
Friday, 4 November 2011
0913 - Maherian
Thursday, there this event called sayounara pmr. Its quite simple actually because there's only form 3 students which is only about 200 something i guess. or less than that. Seriously, some people after pmr until now they don't even show their faces at school. As if school means nothing to them. Nvm. Its none of my business. Sayounara things quite fun. We'll see how much we love each other. depending on each other to make something real. Seeing those slideshow reminds me how much we care about each other. I don't know about you but I really do love all these form 3 students. Even though sometimes some of them are like bitches -.- But I don't care! All I know is without all of them, badge form 3 - 2011 will not become like this. I'm aware that most of them don't even like me. why? I don't even know. Maybe because I am popular :p hehehe. Kidding! Seriously, I don't know and I wanna know :p What am I talking.
err, just wanna say I'm glad staying in Maher with all this fabulous people around me!
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Birthday Surprise!
My birthday was actually 3 months ago. It was on 10th June. But today my friends, a real bestfriends came out with a surprise cake during recess time. The time that they were bringing and singing the song, I was like "who's birthday is today? :O" and Nissa was like " :O " hihihi. and I heard they say, Happy Birthday Eya! I am so shocked and like why? Alia said - semua org dah kena surprise party, mu sore jah dok. Thanks a bunch to those who involve in this surprise things :D I am so happy because I do want this to happen. hihi. Guys, I'm touched ^_^
I love you guys <3 - Alia Fila Nissa Aten Ainul Nurin Hasif and a few more
Friday, 14 October 2011
Memorable moments!
Gosh, I should post this first, but never mind lah :p I just wanna show you guys how sweet my sister is :D hihihi. Before pmr, she wrote this to me. How sweet right <3 This increase my confident like so high. damn high. Thank you. I love you sis!
And this is my face after science paper. I was like so happy because al note that mrs. Chin gave came out. Alhamdulillah. Right now, lets just pray that I will get straight A's. Amin!
A Life after PMR :D
Sound cliche right? haha. Life after PMR is quite fun you know. Wearng pj's uniform. Walking around. You can 'tawaf the school if you want. And watching movie. Bringing laptop to the school. All the teachers dont even care and they call us Budak Lepasan PMR. hihi. I like. But sometimes, we dont even know what to do. Its quite boring la -.- But teachers already arrange some activity for us. For example, im involve in some kind of Mentor things. Teaching form 2 students in Maths. Teachers kinda worry about their pmr next year. Pity teachers :( and next week there is Hari Keusahawanan :D This is so interesting oke. I am damn excited. Another activity is, Me and some of my friends also daftar nama to go to UMK. Actually, I dont even know what for. But im in :)
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Just around the corner!
Hello! Just wanna tell you that I am seriously nervous. Okey, I am lying. Actually, I do feel like that sometime. But for now, my feeling, they are mixing. hihi. Sometimes, I am deadly nervous, I feel want to cry. But then sometimes, I feel like, naaah ~ I can do this ;) I can! Well, it's good right to feel like then. You will be calm and absolutely can handle everything well :D
The point is now that, A WEEK more!!!! Can you believe it. Time fly damn fast. Aliya, think about the freedom and you will be calm :) yeah! One more week and Aliya will be in front of computer, err laptop all the time! FREEDOM :D
The point is now that, A WEEK more!!!! Can you believe it. Time fly damn fast. Aliya, think about the freedom and you will be calm :) yeah! One more week and Aliya will be in front of computer, err laptop all the time! FREEDOM :D
Friday, 23 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
Damn it!
You know, for once, I felt that this is not important anymore. Its okey, if nobody stay beside me because I know I can handle this by myself. And for god sake, I cant take this anymore! It feel like. Gosh! I hate You!
Friday, 16 September 2011
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Should I or Should not ?
I am deadly confuse! Look, I know i am happy when Mr.Ai textes me. But now, he's being annoying all the time -____- gosh! He is like so damn 'skema' and so like the one yang ikut peraturan. and cara dia texting, u imagine by yourself. and sometimes, i am out of words okey? i dont know what to reply. Okey, enough about this.
and Mr.Black is back! okey, it is like he wished me about 13th bla bla bla. and I started to remember bout the old time. screwed me! and its like we are going to continue the relationship. what am i doing? I really dont know okey. Maybe, just maybe I do miss him but am I suppose to continue it? :/ errr, i need some opinion. haha. and i had told him - we'll see after PMR okey? and I think i'm giving him hopes. A hope that me, myself do not know a right things or not.
and and PMR is only 3 weeks away. which is quite nervous - to those who are not ready yet, and who are not revising all the topics. and it also quite good - to those who already plan what to do after PMR. and me? I am in both categories. hik hik hik.
- Pray for me to get straight A's people! Amin ~ ;)
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Selamat Hari Raya!
Its raining cats and dogs now :) Alhamdulillah. This afternoon was really damn hot. Seriously okey. Hari ni, raya ke-2. Nothing special actly :( The same schedule every year during Hari Raya. Last night was chaos at rumah mami. why? sebab semua orang nak amik gambar then lepas tu semua taknak pulak. Benda kecik macam tu pun nak jadi isu kan -______- Relax la! Raya ni kot. Masa macam ni je kita boleh jumpa semua orang. So, please tak payah la nak kecoh sangat kan. oh yes! The aim of the title is actually I wanna wish to everyone who knows me, Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir dan Batin :) I know i am not a perfect human. I do mistakes and learn from the mistakes. I will try to be the *perfect* one. hihi. But of course la mesti takan jadi kan cause no one is perfect. But trying is better than tak buat ape ape kan :D So, cakap pasal raya, benda paling paling happy is DUIT RAYA. teeheeee :D So, far, my duit raya ade la dalam 200 something kot :) Tujuan bersalam is to gain the duit raya. tak dapat, hampeh betul :( dapat tapi sikit, errr, okey kot. Ni la manusia yang dipanggil "dapat betis mahu paha". well, semua budak macam tu okey and fyi, i am still budak ;p hihi. Tomorrow, I really do wanna go to aten's house but idk yet boleh ke tak :( I wish I could persuade my brother to send me. hihihi.
Btw, Mr.Ai texted me last night :')
Happy *wink wink* - Eyaa
Friday, 26 August 2011
Abangggg :)

Afiq Jasmin, a common name if you know me :) He is the BEST brother in the world. Seriously, im not lying okey? He is my BEST-friend, my BEST-boyfriend and BEST-partner. hihi. We share everything. Just name it - friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, enemy :p But we fight a lot. Everyday okey :/ He will definitely do something that make me lose my patient -______-
He just knows me well. and i cant deny that. He knows how to make me laugh, how to make me happy. And that is the best part! He exactly knows what to do when im in a bad situation. Especially at school. But now, he already pass the secondary school and leave me :( What am I supposed to do if i get into trouble :( aaahh man! This is hard. Nvm laa ~ That is not the point. What actly, I wanna tell you guys is that, I am PROUD to have him as my brother. The one and only brother that i have :D - Btw, he's studying architecture at UTM now :)
p/s : I love you *blushing*
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Friends come and go!
I have this friend. Who used to be a part of me. Wherever I go, she'll exactly stayed beside me. She used to be a good friend. Trust me, a real one. She was my *Lesbian-partner*. The one who will know exactly what to say, what to do when im in trouble. Lemme tell you how we became apart. its kinda absurd actly. -_______________-
Me : We need to talk. Dont be angry okey?
She : Okeyyy :/
Suddenly, Nurin came.
Nurin : Whats up guys?
She : Eya is going to give me "ceramah free"
and i was like , omaiigood. Thats it. We are absolutely done!
p/s : You are wayyy too different now.
*sadly* - Eyaa
Me : We need to talk. Dont be angry okey?
She : Okeyyy :/
Suddenly, Nurin came.
Nurin : Whats up guys?
She : Eya is going to give me "ceramah free"
and i was like , omaiigood. Thats it. We are absolutely done!
p/s : You are wayyy too different now.
*sadly* - Eyaa
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Hello people!
As you all know, this is me, Aliya. and I am creating this blog to satisfy myself. Obviously, I am not that kind of blogger one. but I am sure blogging will help me, feel calm. i guess :/ And I am one of the 229 PMR candidates in Maherians. Time fly so fast. I just realise that I wasted all my 2 years in Maher just like that. Cant remember when did I studied for my Sejarah and Geografi. No wonders I never get A for that subject until now. I struggle too hard for my Geografi until I realise that Sejarah was too far behind. Now, im trying to balance something like that. But, errr there are certain things that bother me right now. I cant so sure what it is. But i will find it out :)
*hugs and kisses* - Eyaa
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